Contact Information

If you would like to contact the national headquarters of American Mensa, you may contact them as follows:

American Mensa, Ltd.

1229 Corporate Drive
West Arlington, TX 76006-6103
(817) 607-0060
(817) 649-5232 fax
(800) 66-MENSA (Message and information line only)

If you would like more information about Montgomery-Wiregrass Mensa you can contact the officers below. Please place "mensa" in the subject line:

Local Secretary:  Michael Hayden - wiregrassmontgomerylocsec at gmail dotcom

Assistant LocSec:  vacant

Treasurer:  Debra Freisleben - ducky53205 at gmail dot net

Newsletter Editor:  Jason Wohlford

Admissions Testing: Bob Akin -

Proctor: Bob Akin -

Gifted Children's Coordianator: vacant

Gifted Youth Coordinator:  vacant

Website Contact:  Brent Gourley - bgrly at comcast dot net

Copyright ©2011 American Mensa, Ltd. The Mensa logo is a registered trademark of Mensa International, Ltd. and American Mensa, Ltd., all rights reserved. Mensa does not hold any opinions, or have, or express, any political or religious views.
American Mensa, Ltd. accepts no responsibility for the opinions and information posted via its Internet Communications Services by its members or guests. Additionally, American Mensa is not liable for damages resulting from information transmitted via these Services or from any interruption or failure of these Services.